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 我们兆凯(About Previctry)

  兆凯电气系统(Previctry Electric System)是国际领先的电气元器件附件、网络通讯、防雷安保及结构化布线系统制造商。在不断提高产品性能以满足各个领域中最新系统和应用要求的同时,不断对行业发展趋势和客户的深层需求进行全面调查研究,其制定的生产标准处于全球领先地位,其广泛的产品覆盖面更全面地满足客户的需求,引领市场发展。

     Previctry Electric System is a leading international manufacturer on electrical appliances accessories, network communication, lightning protection security and structured cabling System. Constantly improve product performance to meet the requirements of the latest system and application in various fields , at the same time, we do a comprehensive investigation and study on the industry development trends and the  customers deep needs , the production standards making pioneered in the worldwide, the wide range of product coverage fully meet customer demands which lead the market development.

  发展历程(Development history)

  1. 兆凯电气始创于 1973 年,总部位于美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德市,是美国通用电气公司(GE)最大部分电气及安保附件设计制造的供应商。1979 年,随着通用电气(GE)在消费电器、工业电器设备、军方、宇宙航空仦表制造、喷气飞机引航导航系统、多弹头弹道导弹系统、雷达和宇宙飞行等领域的业务拓展,兆凯电气产品也在诸多行业领域得到广泛的应用与行业认同。

      1. Previctry was founded in 1973, located in the city of fairfield, Connecticut, is the biggest electrical and security accessories design and manufacture supplier for GE. In 1979, as the general electric (GE) development in consumer electronics, military, aerospace, instrumentation, industrial electrical equipment manufacturing, jet pilot navigation system, muti-warhead ballistic missile system, radar and space flight areas etc. Previctry electrical products also has been widely used in many industries and got good comments.

  220 世纪 80 年代末,美国电话电报公司 Bell 实验室,在美国率先推出了 AT&T 结构化布线系统(SCS)。兆凯公司就与美国 NCR 计算机公司积极共同研发适用于环形令牌网络的 150 欧姆的屏蔽传输产品。

       2 In the late 1980s, AT&T Bell laboratories launched AT&T structured cabling system (SCS) pioneered in the United States. PREVICTRY vigorously developed with NCR computer companies on block transmission products of 150 ohms which suitable for annular token network in the United States 

  390 年代末,大西洋贝尔与独立电话公司 GTE 合并成立威瑞森(Verizon)公司。也随着 IEEE802.3ab 即 1000ABSE T 国际通信标准的颁布,作为与 GTE 公司长期保持产品部件合作的兆凯(Previctry System)公司率先于 2001 年初推出了满足六类千兆传输的全球第一款模块化嵌入式组合配线部件产品。 USA PREVICTRY ELECTRIC SYSTEM INC.

      3In the late 90s, bell Atlantic and independents GTE merged to bulid Verizon company.Also with releasing on international communication standards IEEE802.3 ab 1000 abse T, as long-term product components  cooperation with GTE company, Previctry System launched  the first modular embedded combination wiring components products globally which meets six types of gigabit transmission in early 2001.

  42008 年成功控股由美国威瑞森管理的位于台湾的 ADA 电气工厂,重新改组兆凯公司亚太区业务,并负责北美、亚太及欧洲的 Previctry System 部分电气关键部件制造及供应业务。

  4In 2008 successfully holding ADA electric factory managed by US verizon which located in Taiwan, reorganized the PREVICTRY  Asia Pacific business, and is responsible for Previctry System part of the electrical key components manufacturing and supply businessn in the North America, Asia Pacific and Europe.

  兆凯布线系统(Previctry Wiring System)

  兆凯®(PREVICTRY®) LANSurpassTM 综合布线系统,首先表现为一种硬件系统,这种硬件系统是由 LANSurpass 系列铜缆、光缆等传输介质、连接器件以及应用网络设备等构成的。LANSurpass 系列传输媒介和连接器件组成了信息的传输通道,这是兆凯®(PREVICTRY®)综合布线系统的基本框架。

       PREVICTRY ® LANSurpassTM integrated wiring system, first as a hardware system, this hardware system is made up of LANSurpass series copper cable, fiber optic cable transmission medium, such as connecting device, and application of network equipment, etc.LANSurpass series transmission medium and the connection device is made up of a information transmission channel, this is PREVICTRY® basic framework of integrated wiring system.

  兆凯综合布线系统(Previctry Premises wiring system)为兆凯电气系统(Previctry Electric System)组成部分之一。向全球市场提供线缆及连接件全系列 LANSurpassTM 结构化布线系统的产品,包括非屏蔽(UTP)布线系统、屏蔽(FTP、SFTP、SSTP)布线系统、光纤(光电)布线系统、智能配线管理系统。

        Previctry Premises wiring system is one of the components on Previctry Electric system.To provide cable and fittings LANSurpassTM structured cabling system for all series of products  in the global market, including the screen (UTP) wiring system, shield (FTP, SFTP, SSTP) wiring system, optical fiber (photovoltaic) wiring system, smart wiring system.

  兆凯布线产品体系的组成(The composition of Previctry products system)    

       1. 超 5 类系列,6 类系列,6A 系列,7 类系列等铜缆布线产品;

  2. 1G、10G 单模(9/125μm)多模(62.5/125μm ;50/125μm)等光纤布线、光电系列网络通信产品等;

  3. 线缆管理组件、铝镁合金型材机柜等;

  4. E@channerl MPO/MTP 光纤预端接系统;

  5. E@channerl 电子配线系统。

        1.Super class 5 series, 6 class series, series of 6 a, 7 class series of copper wiring products;

        2.1G, 10G single mode (microns) 9/125 multimode (62.5/125 microns; 50/125 microns) fiber optic cabling,                        photoelectric series such as network communication products, etc.;

       3. Cable management components, aluminum magnesium alloy profile cabinets, etc.

  Previctry System 始终坚持为用户提供高品质的产品、一体化解决方案和完善的服务原则,其产品获得 

      EIA/TIA 568A 与 568B、UL、ETL、3P、ISO/IEC IS11801:2002 等标准认证。全部产品符合绿色环保

      RoHS 标准。6 类产品符合国际元器件级标准。同时,满足以太网零误码整体系统传输要求。

      Previctry System always adhere to provide users with high-quality products, integrated solutions           and the improved service principle, its products get the certifications on EIA/TIA 568 a and 568 b,         UL, ETL, 3 p, ISO/IEC IS11801:2002.All products comply with RoHS green environmental standard .         6 products in accordance with international components standards.At the same time, they meet           the requirements of Ethernet transmission zero error integral system.

  在中国(In China)

  2009 年进入中国市场,其产品通过中国信息产业部的相关认证。为用户提供 25 年以上系统保证。在政府、金融、电力、医疗、IDC 数据机房、科研院所、部队、教育、商业地产、酒店等行业领域内得以广泛的应用。

     We entered Chinese market In 2009, the products had been certified by Chinese information ministry .To provide users with more than 25 years system guarantee.and being widely applincated In the government, finance, electric power, medical, IDC data room, scientific research institutes, military, education, commercial real estate, hotel and other industries .
